When a home inspection is done prior to a purchase being completed, an inspector compiles a report and it is given to both the sellers and the buyers, who then make decisions about moving forward based on those findings. Buyers can often find these reports alarming, but there are many common issues that arise during a basic home inspection. Some of them are:
- Roof and gutter issues (leaks, damaged/clogged gutters, etc.)
- Faulty wiring/electrical problems
- Poor grading or drainage around the home
- Dampness or mold/mildew in basements
- Cosmetic wear and tear (peeling wallpaper, dirty/damaged carpets, cracked driveways/walkways, etc)
- Plumbing issues such as leaks, clogged drains, poor flow
- Inadequate ventilation or insulation
- HVAC problems
You can read more about the ins and outs of analyzing your home inspection report here.
At each step of the home buying process, it is important to have a team of top professionals that you trust to help you navigate each step from the offer to the closing. My team and I work with a group of inspectors, lenders, attorneys and more who are experienced and trusted professionals, and have worked together on thousands of transactions. Thinking of buying a home this year? Contact me to get started!
Posted by Lisa Ferro on
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